Age is just a number, they say...
But no no no , it is not just that...
Age is the changes upon you
Around you and inside you..
Age is more silver in your head..
Wringles on your forehead,
Crow's feet at the edges of
the mouth and the eyes..
Age is the sagging skin,
Loose muscles and aching limbs ..
Age is frequent visits to the doc..
And more tests and scans..
Age is more pills and supplements
And less cakes, pizzas and burgers .
But most importantly,
Age is when the little bird
Who resided inside you;
Who with her songs
made your eyes sparkle
And made you dream...
Who with her flutters
Blushed your cheeks and
took your breath away..
Age is when she flies away
leaving a few feathers behind...
Preetha Raj
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