The lockdown

Waiting in a queue...
One metre apart from each other...
Outside a supermarket...
I felt all the differences a few days of lockdown made...
The patient discipline of shoppers..
None is in a hurry..
The air is cool in a March morning..
A pleasant breeze through hair..
No haphazard parking on the road..
No honking decibels..
The golden blooms of konnappoo reminded of the upcoming Vishu..
When the tree showered blossoms on me...
I suddenly felt, we are being forgiven...
Forgiven for all the damage we caused..
The crisis is soon to be over..
The big human engine will slowly start to move soon..

Preetha Raj


  1. Along with the hope for better days,I hope this lockdown inculcates qualities like patience , discipline, hygiene and cleanliness to mention a few.And let's hope no one spits anymore on our roads.


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