
Leaving home for a week,
I was in an emotional turmoil...
I was happy that I was going to spend a week
With my overindulgent parents...
I was looking forward to the lazy days 
Of peace and pleasure...

But then...
I was anxious about my little balcony garden..
I was worried that in my absence 
The plants may wither and die...
I couldn't imagine that mishap.
For, they kept me sane throughout lockdown...
Saw my happiness and saw me cry...
They did all they could to comfort me
Dancing in the breeze... 
producing tiny buds from nowhere..
Filling the air with fragrance...

I had spent the previous week 
In thorough research..
Looked into all those gardening videos 
To find out an appropriate 
system of self watering 
For my lively companions...
I gathered materials..
And spent a whole day to put it in place...

Still I was anxious...
What if a strong wind spoils the whole efforts..
My brother who sensed my anxiety 
Offered to look at them in between...
That is the thing about siblings..
They could sense the emotions...
Even over phone...

And when I came back I was happy 
To see them all in good shape..
Blooming and dancing...
Well, am I being a wee bit overindulgent?!!!..

Preetha Raj


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